Monday, 4 July 2022

Is Buying a Stand Mixer Worth it?

If you are into baking you might already be aware of the stand mixer. It resembles the huge mixers you see in bakeries and places where bread is made. What differentiates a stand mixer from an electric mixer is that it can whip large quantities of ingredients for a long time at the speed you want and on top of that the whole operation is hands free. At the base of a stand mixer is a heavy duty rotating motor. A classic stand mixer can mix, whip and knead. Since the design of the stand mixer is around a centralized motor, various other attachments can be used on the same mechanism, like the most popular KitchenAid stand mixer accessories and attachments can be used for shredding meat, rolling pasta, churning ice creams etc.

If your hobby is baking or you want to run a food business, then there are no two ways about it. You will need a stand mixer or probably already have one. But for a layman, a stand mixer is heavy, requires a lot of space and is costly. So what are the benefits of a stand mixer?  In this blog, we look at the most popular and classic stand mixer brand KitchenAid to determine if a stand mixer is worth buying. 

Various sizes 

If counter space and cupboard space is the problem you can find mini sizes in most brands, like KitchenAid’s Artisan mini tilt-head stand mixer that is 3-4 litres in capacity. It has all the features of the classic tilt head stand mixer only that the size of the bowl and power of the motor is smaller and it is also cheaper.

Built to last

If you go to any forum or review pages you will find that stand mixers from a brand like KitchenAid are popular even when they are costly as they are built to last. They are also easily repairable. They have a beautiful retro design and come in various colours. The bowls too are available in stainless steel and glass variants. This is why they are great as wedding gifts and as family heirlooms. And you will find that KitchenAid makes their mixer attachments in such a way that they can be used on any model of the stand mixer, be it 30 years old. 

Different attachments and accessories available

Even if you are not baking on a regular basis the different attachment for meat shredding,  dough making and pasta cutting can make the price reasonable. Obviously the various speed settings and the built quality of the stand mixer and the motor makes whisking, paddling and kneading that much better. So when buying a stand mixer the quote stands: ‘you get what you pay for’.

Buy a KitchenAid Stand mixer

So with all the benefits, a stand mixer could be worth buying for your kitchen in the long run. If you check reviews and look at any popular food blog you will find people raving about KitchenAid so much that it has become part of the popular culture. Depending on your requirements, you can buy a stand mixer with your preferred bowl size and motor horsepower. KitchenAid stand mixers start from 250 watts from the Classic series to 1.3 hp for the pro line. So there is a stand mixer for everyone. 


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