Friday 2 August 2019

5 Upgrades for a Touch of Kitchen Elegance

There is something about the kitchen that tends to evoke a mysterious magnetic attraction among family and friends. While the primary purpose of a household kitchen has always been to cook food, over the past few decades it has turned into an epicenter of every home. Many people often consider a kitchen as the heart of every home. When the kitchen holds such a high place in most people’s eyes, it is certain that people seek every opportunity to add a touch of charm, personalization, and elegance to their kitchen. Here are 5 upgrades for a touch of kitchen elegance:

Improve Lighting

If you are looking for simple ways to up your kitchen’s style game, begin with lighting. Switching from plain ceiling lighting to more stylish options like the pendant lighting can become a focal point of the kitchen. You should not be afraid of going big when choosing hanging lighting as big lighting do not look overpowering but strikingly beautiful.

Add Rich Cabinet Colors

A quick and cost-effective way to give your kitchen a new look is by painting your cabinets with rich colors. Experimenting with cabinet colors can exude an altogether unique vibe when your friends and family see your kitchen. Additionally, you can also paint the walls of your kitchen, so that it harmonizes with the existing hues.

Opt for Glass Cabinet Fronts

Somehow glass always seems to add charm to everything. Be it windows, bathroom cabinets or even kitchen cabinets, the glass looks elegant on all these. If your kitchen has an old cabinet, you can replace the wooden doors with a glass front to completely change the look and feel of your kitchen.

Update Your Hardware

High-quality kitchen appliances can easily glorify your kitchen and the items within. Hardware can comprise electrical appliances such as fridge, electrical units, microwave, and ovens. Choosing these items in the same color can help all these appliances to complement each other in the kitchen.

Upgrade Your Tableware to Glassware

As mentioned earlier, glass automatically adds elegance to everything. The same is the case with your tableware. Upgrading your steel or porcelain bowls to a glass bowl like the tilt-head hammered glass bowl can instantly elevate the look and feel of your kitchen. You can also play around with tools that boast elegant designs like the bowl-lift coated flat beater. Design and aesthetic tend to go hand-in-hand when you are looking to give your kitchen an all-new modern and elegant look.

Wrap Up

There are plenty of ways to modernize and add a touch of elegance to your kitchen. It all depends on how creative you can get. Although there are some upgrades costing a lot of money, there are also cost-effective and clever ways to change how your kitchen looks and feels. One of them is upgrading your tableware. It is the easiest and the first step that you can take toward upgrading your kitchen. KitchenAid manufactures elegant kitchen hardware that can completely change how you view and use your tableware. 

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